News from TitanexNews 16. 04. 24:
SML Ti Tube Grade 5

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Meet us 9th - 10th September @ Swiss Medtech Lucerne

» Thin Wall Titanium Tubes, Titanrohre, Tube de Titane

Titanex offers mainly seamless Titanium Tubes. Most attractive are the CP Grade 1 or 2 Tubes as well as the cold rolled seamless Titanium Grade 9 Ti3Al2.5V. Beside some limited offers from stock Your tube is made to order starting with 30 m minimum order quantity.

Download the general Titanium Tube Stock List. Aside standard sizes You can order with Titanex tight tolerances, special surface requirements and more!

» Seamless Titanium Pipes Ti6Al4V Grade 5 (heavy wall, dickwandige Titanrohre)

Seamless Hot Rolled Titanium Pipe Grade 5 Ti6Al4VSeamless Titanium Pipes in Grade 5 need to be hot rolled. This is a High End product and very difficult to do. Titanex offers these Pipes made to ASTM B 861 and made to AMS 4942. Since this is a very special product to do it has some minimal requirements to process.

Tight tolerances, great surface and order quantities starting usually from 60 - 100 m per size!

» Tubes and Pipes for medical

Relevant medical spec for Titanium is ASTM F 136. This specification is applicable for

As shown - ASTM F 136 does NOT mention nor include Tubes and Pipes.

While we find in ASTM F 67: 3.1.8 Other—Other forms and shapes, including tubing, may be provided by agreement between purchaser and supplier.

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